Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I must make an honest confession, after reading an article in "Rolling Stone" I am challenged, moved and insoired to take my calling, life & love for others to the next level.
I really admire and look up to Jamie Tworkowski and what he's doing. He is the heart and passion behind "To Write Love On Her Arms," and really hearing how he interacts and treats people reminds me of what we are called to do.
He is a man loved by thousands of people and yet when he is in the public, at concerts or a booth, he takes the time to interact, observe and give people the proper attention when they are talking to him. He notices the simple, little things when talking to people, never rushed and always smiles.

I believe that's what we're all called to do... "Love Others!" Through our smiles and positive attitudes, we bring a message, a hope that people need. Knowing what Jamie is doing reminds me that we can all do the same thing and have the same kind of impact.

Let us be people that others are drawn to!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Honesty is brutal...

... through that brutality though, is where genuine growth and spiritual development takes place.

I asked a number of questions to students at camp; how many of felt worthless, not valuable, unloved, like a failure... questions like that. Eyes closed, with a stern voice I asked students to be real and honest. Raising hands if that was the case in their hearts.
Hand after hand, up in the air, question after question hearts breaking, feelings and thoughts bringing down the tears.
HONESTY! It was brutal, painful & hard to hear, yet it allowed the human heart to be opened which invited God's love to take place of those old feelings/ lies.
"God didn't have time to make a nobody, only somebody."
Growth isn't always easy, it's uncomfortable, painful but the results of reaching deep inside to be honest with oneself is worth every ache it takes to grow.

A Choir of the Heart

This past weekend was our Winter Camp called 'Elevation' and it was absolutely wonderful. There's nothing better when hundreds of people gather to grow in relationships and grow closer to God.
Looking back, I can't help but smile at what was experienced and what was felt in the depths of my heart. Worship was extraordinary!!! Every session we had the privilege to be blessed by the band, but really looking at the details, I was blessed to be surrounded by people who whole heartedly gave it their all in worship to God. It was a beautiful sight; hands in the air, tears rolling down faces, hearts truly abandoned & crying out.
Every voice, every word came from the heart as we all joined together as one choir singing out, it truly was magical and such a beautiful experience.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Imitate Check

"Imitate me as just as I imitate Christ"
This is a motto & scripture I try to live my life by, something that means a lot and challenges me to live my life right with God because I want my girls to follow after God as well.

Last night as I was getting ready to play with Janae after dinner she asked me to play music. She wanted me to play my ipod and I asked her what she wanted to listen to? She surprised me and shocked me when she had a follow-up answer; 'Jack Johnson.'
"WHAT?" my shocking response.
"Jack Johnson, I want to listen to him!"
She knows his music and has heard me talk about him, so she wanted to hear it also.

After laughing and playing it for her, it made me realize a couple thoughts:
1) She's interested in the things I listen to.
I better keep in mind what is playing when she is around me
2) She's in tune with what I say
I need to check myself; check how I respond to certain situations, how I talk to Amy and friends and just the things I'm talking about period.
3) She is looking up to me and following my lead.
This is what I desire; for her to look up to me as her dad and follow & love God the way I do if not more. Nows my chance to represent that.

I'm challenged to be an imitator, be challenged as well; someone watching you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rest & Peace

Think about the place you can go and experience true rest or relaxing peace!
Thr beach, mountains, around some kind of body of water, maybe a coffee shop? Where do you go?
I have always loved the beach and no matter what's going on in life, the sound of waves crashing, sand in my toes and breathing the fresh ocean air... I find true peace.
Today while chilling at the beach, sitting atop a hill on grass, over-looking the water, gazing at the marine layer haze in the distance, I was experiencing true peace and contentment. Lost at the very outer edge of the west coast, my life engulfed by something greater... True peace!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

In the arms of a Loved One

The last couple nights Janae my 3yr. old has been coming into our bed about 5, 6ish in the morning. She's obviously not feeling good and I think her coughing wakes her up, so she crusies into our room and bed.
Usually that puts me on the very edge of the bed, half on, half hanging off to give her and the wife room to sleep. Think for a second, how does it make you feel when someone you love puts their arm around you and holds you? A loved one, no matter where you are embraces you and doesn't let you go! Wonderful right?
I felt that excitement, joy & love this morning when she came into our bed. Someone who's not very huggie and snuggles that often rolled over grabbed me and held me in her arms. As she held me she said, "You can fall alseep now daddy."
Inside i melted and smiled as the both of us wandered off to sleep!

What a feeling to be in the arms of a loved one!!!

In the arms of a Loved One

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What I want do I need?

So i started a 3 day fruit detox today. I'm only 4 hours into it and i'm already regretting doing this. All day I'm supposed to drink only a protein shake and a veggie salad for dinner. Then the next 2 days is only fruit every couple of hours.
I really want food and coffee! Like really bad i'm craving food but do I really need it?
My mind is telling me I need to eat but I think I'm honestly fine without it right now. The point is cleaning out my system and trying to be healthier.
Isn't it funny though, the minute you can't have something, all of a sudden you want it and it gets to a point where you believe you actually need it?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Where all 'MY' ladies at?"

This weekend at church i get the privilege of doing announcements in big service. Which i totally don't mind because I love to do those kinds of things. I go up there and try to have fun with the audience and bring excitement to what is being said. If I'm not stoked about it, why should they?
So last night, Halloween night was my first opportunity and I brought the excitement and energy!
This morning though, no complaints about it, just about 4 people teasing me (in a good way) about what i said.
There was two announcements in a row specifically for women, so going into those I just said loudly and with tons of energy, "Where all 'MY ladies at!"
Yeah, didn't really mean to say "MY Ladies" but that's how it came out. People are laughing and teasing, must be ok!
I'm sure the ladies don't mind either.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Living for something bigger!

"If you haven't discovered something that is worth dying for, you haven't found anything worth living for." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As a believer & follower of Christ there are two things that I want to be committed to. Two things that grab my attention and heart like nothing else.
'Listen' and 'Go!'
When I listen, I am in tune with God! I hear the cry of God in my life speaking to me and calling out to me. Through hearing, when I hear God, everything should change. Nothing should be the same in my life. He's leading me somewhere, directing my life a certain way.
Therefore my response should be to 'GO!'
When i go, my faith and life is in action, there is movement and I am being challenged. I know there is risk when I go and am being called by God but that's what I choose to live for. Through challenges and risk I plan on growing spiritually and becoming stronger in my faith.
I choose to live for God and am willing to die for Him!
My tomorrow will not be like today; movement and passion will drive me for God desires!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are you sure you know what you want?

For the last month or so I've been teasing Janae & her friend about our 'Boxer' that supposedly lives in our back yard. Janae's friend always asks me about our 'boxer' and how it's doing. I think I joke about it because i really want one as a pet.
So yesterday Janea and I went into the backyard to clean up and the first thing she asked me was about our 'Boxer.' She wondered where it went and if it was coming back?
On our way home from the beach she was sitting in the back seat and kept saying "I want a Boxer." "I want a boxer, can i get a boxer?" Amy asked if she knew what a boxer was? Janae quickly responded "YES!" So i asked her, "What is a boxer?" "I don't know!" Janae answered.
After we laughed, I started thinking about it; how often do i really do the same thing? How many times are there things I think i want but really have no clue what it is or why I want it?
In life, going through our every day routine, looking at the various requests we make or things we want; do we really know what it is we want? Are we sure what the requirements are once we have what we wanted or had to have?
What is that 'Boxer' in your life you want?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A different OOPS!!!

So tonight after High School group we had our 'Scary Movie Drive-In'. It's where we all cruise outside, pull out blankets, pass the popcorn & watch a movie.
So I went to the store earlier that day to purchase some goodies. Candy, popcorn, mallows & choclate for hot coco. Well I made a booboo. Yeah I messed up again & had another oops moment;
Instead of buying 'Choclate Mix' for coco I bought baking coco powder. BIG difference!!!
I didn't realize til a leader came up laughing telling me what I did. Then all of a sudden the moans & disgusted sounds made sense, they made their drinks & almost barfed drinking coco powder! OOPS!
Yeah, better think again before sending me to the store.
Sorry guys, intentions were there.

How much is too much?

So Saturday I worked a shift @ Pac Sun in the mall. I was pretty much greeter & sales person all morningn which placed me in the front of the store the whole time.
Well I noticed this girl working the 'Stand' right outside our store. Dude, she had her face all up in the mirror at her stand checking herself out, doing make-up, checking & adding more make-up. Seriously, she did that for about 20 minutes. Finally she pulled away BUT apparently she wasn't ready.
Two stands over was for your hair, SO she made that trip and played with her hair for another 10 minutes. GEESH!
When is enough, enough? How much is too much?
So I guess customers didn't really matter until she was completly ready. I just hope she was satisfied how she looked.

Friday, October 23, 2009


So today i was getting a lesson on working our projector for a youth event this Sunday night; it was being filmed so we can instruction footage for the future.
During the filming I felt this sudden urge, didn't want to fight it so I let it out! A big, loud, long 'BURP!' It felt real good and we all got a laugh out of it.
Well we were unaware that down the church halls, there was a woman's meeting taking place. Oops. When that meeting finished they ALL walked out asking...
"So who was that?" "Which one of you guys is responsible for that burp?" "Who burped because i gave it a 10?" We kind of all laughed until they started saying it interrupted they're closing prayer; double oops!
Let's hope no one says anything about it!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Postage Stamp

"Consider the postage stamp; it's usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there."

Various 'Goals' in my life have been on my mind all morning, my personal challenge is that my goals and visions for my life, family & ministry would be like a postage stamp! I would write them out, present to people to keep me accountable & possibly partner with me to reach them and lastly stick to the plan until we achieve each one.
It's so easy to get distracted and move towards another idea or goal, but nothing will ever take place or nothing will ever be achieved if i continue to be distracted like that.
Let us all stick to our plans until we arrive to our desired destinations.

Postage Stamp

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Picture Frames

As i was studying, i leaned back in my chair & noticed pictures of my girls; my sweet baby girls and instantly I was covered in smiles. As I looked at them and remembered where I took those certain pictures, memories raced through my head. Since they were memories of my girls, great memories flooded my mind but then a question popped into my thinking;
'What kind of memories with my relationship with God make me smile like that?'
Can i easily lean back & think of my relationship with my creator & smile like i did looking at my girls? Can God look at our memories together & smile at what we've done together?

Although this is quite challenging, makes me really examine my relationship and strive more to create those fun, loving experiences with God.

Be Challenged!


Pure in Heart