Sunday, October 25, 2009

A different OOPS!!!

So tonight after High School group we had our 'Scary Movie Drive-In'. It's where we all cruise outside, pull out blankets, pass the popcorn & watch a movie.
So I went to the store earlier that day to purchase some goodies. Candy, popcorn, mallows & choclate for hot coco. Well I made a booboo. Yeah I messed up again & had another oops moment;
Instead of buying 'Choclate Mix' for coco I bought baking coco powder. BIG difference!!!
I didn't realize til a leader came up laughing telling me what I did. Then all of a sudden the moans & disgusted sounds made sense, they made their drinks & almost barfed drinking coco powder! OOPS!
Yeah, better think again before sending me to the store.
Sorry guys, intentions were there.

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