Thursday, December 10, 2009

Honesty is brutal...

... through that brutality though, is where genuine growth and spiritual development takes place.

I asked a number of questions to students at camp; how many of felt worthless, not valuable, unloved, like a failure... questions like that. Eyes closed, with a stern voice I asked students to be real and honest. Raising hands if that was the case in their hearts.
Hand after hand, up in the air, question after question hearts breaking, feelings and thoughts bringing down the tears.
HONESTY! It was brutal, painful & hard to hear, yet it allowed the human heart to be opened which invited God's love to take place of those old feelings/ lies.
"God didn't have time to make a nobody, only somebody."
Growth isn't always easy, it's uncomfortable, painful but the results of reaching deep inside to be honest with oneself is worth every ache it takes to grow.

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Pure in Heart