Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rest when your sick?

So the last couple days i've been battling this cold, cough and crazy congestion. Everyone says the thing that needs to be done is get rest and sleep it off. Great idea!!!
So i head home last night to do just that, and that's when the craziness started. It was funny and i thought there had to be a hidden camera watching somewhere.
First i have to make dinner for the girls, while making dinner, i realize there's a leak under the sink. So now i'm trying to entertain the girls, make dinner and cleaning under the sink. We all eat and the girls are occupied so i attempt to clean the kitchen and leak. Then i hear Alanah throwing all her food in the living room, so now I'm cleaning that up. As i carry all that food i drop it all over the kitchen... food, ketchup all over.
Then it's time to get girls ready for bed, one running all over and Janae wants to be rocked and sang to. Finally everyones dressed, Alanah's out, i rock Janae and sing her to sleep. Back down stairs to clean up food, clean dinner and clean under the sink.
I have no idea how to fix anything so i just straighten things up, mop and leave things out to dry. When all is said and done it's finally 10:30pm, time for bed. Where did the opportunity for rest go?
It was funny, especially because i know i wasn't thinking right. Next time I'm sick, maybe i'll rest.


Pure in Heart